Title: Frozen Dreams, Parts Three and Four Pairings: um...kinda all of them. Kind of. Warnings: Violence, death, angst. For some I need to warn b/c of the use of the "Pink Haired Demon."
Title: Frozen Dreams, Parts One and Two Pairings: um...kinda all of them. Kind of. Warnings: Violence, death, angst. For some I need to warn b/c of the use of the "Pink Haired Demon."
Um, so...thanks to covenmouse for beta-ing this for me. And to verisimilitude9 for the conversation that triggered me thinking in this direction. And to lovelylytton for stomping all over my heart so I don't feel so bad about sharing this. :) ( Or Sandy Is a Hypocrite )
This takes place after Usagi and Mamoru's wedding in the KidVerse, about 4 months later. Only one couple hasn't, at the least, forgiven and become friends.
Ami glared at her friends. “I need to study… just go without me.”( Ami's Revenge )